5 years ago #52stories was a trending hashtag.
It got thousands of people taking a look at their own personal history and helped them find things to write about.

This was such a great idea and helped so many people , we have decided to do it again!!
A Weekly Writing Topic
Every Week a new topic will be introduced that will help break down your writing into smaller bites!
Topics include:
- goals and Achievements
- Love and Friendship
- Occupations and Hobbies
- Home and Hearth
- Mothers and Motherhood
- Fathers and Fatherhood
- Events and Milestones
- Travels and Vacations
- Education and Schools
- Values and Beliefs
- Causes and Convictions
- Holidays and Traditions
Follow Up Questions
Each topic will have follow up questions to help jog your memory and get the words flowing.
We start Jan 4th!
- Jan 4th is first topic
- Every monday afterwards
- Follow us on Instagram at Preserveyourtree
- Join our Facebook Group Preserve Your Tree