52 weeks 52 stories, Career and Work, Journaling, Preserving Family History, writing topic, Writing Your Personal History

Personal History Writing Prompt: week 12

category: hobbies, interests, jobs and careers

week 12: describe your work history and personal work ethic

This week think back to all the jobs you have had(The good, the bad and the ugly) and talk about your work history. Then think about your personal work ethic and describe how you view and value work.

questions to think about

  • List some of your past jobs
  • How old were you when you started working (were you a neighborhood babysitter? Did you have your own lawnmowing or snow-shoveling business? Or did you get a job at a retail establishment?)
  • what was your favorite job? what made it special?
  • Least favorite job? Give some juicy details describing why it was bad
  • how many jobs have you had? Amount of time you spent at each one? Why did you leave?
  • what is your feeling about work? Do you enjoy it or hate it?
  • Do you have a stable work history, or do you float from job to job?
  • which jobs did you enjoy the most and why
  • what frustrates you the most about your co-workers.
  • would your co-workers say you were a good worker? or would they trade you in for bad behavior?
  • what is your definition of work ethic?
  • Do you think you have a good work ethic or poor one?
  • How often do/did you call out sick or take off?
  • are you punctual or roll in last minute or call in late a lot?
  • If you could change on thing about your personal work ethic, what would it be?
  • think of you current job/most recent job /career, and walk through a day in the life.


be honest in your assessment. What do you think about work. What does your work history say about you? write about some past jobs and what was good and bad in your work history. What lessons did you learn?

What do you want people to learn from you when it comes to work and work ethic?