Home is the topic for April. This week we are exploring your definition of what a home really is.
What makes a house a home? Many people have different types of houses, so what turns that ordinary 4 walls (or RV, or Tent, or Mother in law pod, or whatever..) into a place that we call “home”?
Home is where the heart is, so what are the bare essentials you need to make a house a home?
- What helps you feel ties to a particular place?
- Name something that you cant imagine living without in your home
- Where do you feel the safest and most loved in your home?
- Do you consider your abode a home?
- What do you do to help your house feel like a home to family and visitors?
- If you had to pick up and move tomorrow and could only take 5 objects,(not family members or pets) what would you choose. Why these 5 objects? How do they tie you to your home?
- What is one thing you would like others to know about your home?