52 weeks 52 stories, Home, Journaling, writing topic, Writing Your Personal History

Personal History Writing Prompt: Week 17 HOMETOWN

Personal History Writing Prompt: week 17

This week think about the word “hometown”. What does that word mean to you? Is it the place you grew up or spent your formative years? Is it the place you currently reside? Both?

Everyone has a different thought or feeling on what it means, there is no wrong answer!

I have lived all over: Ohio, California, Illinois, Utah, Kentucky, Idaho etc. What I consider my hometown is where I went to high school and graduated, and where I made a lot of my core memories and friends. ( Even though I wasnt born there, only spent 6 years there, and have only been back a handful of times, I still consider it mine.) It is where I have the most memories and experiences.

questions to consider

  • How long did you live there?
  • do you currently reside there?
  • what makes it special?
  • Did you attend school there? Graduate? settle down?
  • Does a length of time living in one place determine “hometown?”
  • Do you love it there?
  • is there one thing you would change about it?

Happy Writing!