It's Strawberry Time! All around the country, many people are gearing up for strawberry season! What better way to use up those delicious beauties than making a batch of old fashioned Strawberry Preserves! Becuase thereContinue reading
32 million new records FAMILY SEARCH? TAKEN FROM FAMILYSEARCH.ORG "FamilySearch expanded its free online archives in April of 2021 with nearly 32 million new indexed family history records and over 3 million digital images fromContinue reading
New Month, New Subject Matter! In May we will be focusing on mothers, omen, womanhood, motherhood and more. Each Monday in May we will explore a new writing topic based on this subject matter! (ThereContinue reading
April (weeks 14-17) we focused on house and home. You wrote about growing up, the places you have lived, your current abode and the word "hometown" Here are the weekly topics in case you missedContinue reading
Personal History Writing Prompt: week 17 This week think about the word "hometown". What does that word mean to you? Is it the place you grew up or spent your formative years? Is it theContinue reading
Week 16 Writing Prompt This week, write about where you currently live. Describe your home. What do you love about it? What do you dislike? More home questions to think about How long have youContinue reading
Home is the topic for April. This week we are exploring your definition of what a home really is. WHAT MAKES A HOME? What makes a house a home? Many people have different types ofContinue reading
What is Orange Julius? From Wikipedia: "The drink grew out of an orange juice stand opened in Los Angeles, California, in 1926 by Julius Freed. Sales were initially modest, about $20 a day (equivalent to approximatelyContinue reading
The month of April we will focus on home. This week we are going back to your childhood home or homes. TALK ABOUT YOUR CHILDHOOD HOME This month think back to when you were aContinue reading
ok 2021 me would say GAG. But maybe 1942 me would say Yum. Who knows? According to the internet (and cant we always trust the internet), this recipe came out as a thrifty Easter HamContinue reading