Love and Relationships, writing topic, Writing Your Personal History

Personal History Writing Prompt: Week 7

writing prompt week 7

Tell the Story of how you met your own true love

questions to consider:

  • Where and how did you meet (city/state). was it at school? work? blind date? out with friends?
  • how old were you?
  • what were your first impressions of each other?
  • What was your first date?
  • any fun dating stories? What did you like to do?
  • when did you know it was “the one”
  • talk about the details of the proposal?
  • talk about the wedding.
  • Do you have a wedding photo you can use?
  • Did you have a honeymoon?
  • what things do you like to do together?
  • How long were you married? Are you still married?
  • what has been the hardest thing about being with this person? What lessons have you had to learn?
  • Any advice you can give todays generation when it comes to love and marriage and relationships?

Haven’t met “THE ONE” yet?

That’s OK!! There is still plenty to journal about this week. Think about the following as you write:

  • Have you ever been in love? How did you know you loved this person?
  • Are you still in this relationship?
  • What do you look for in an ideal companion/spouse/partner?
  • Are you optimistic of frustrated with the search or process?
  • How do you meet people ?
  • What are the biggest turn off’s in a romantic partner?
  • How do you think you will know when it is true love, or THE ONE?
  • Are you even interested in being in a relationship?

Happy writing!!