This is a repost from November 12th.
“For Christmas this year, we here at FamilySearch want to do something special. We want to gather family Christmas stories and publish them on the FamilySearch blog.
We hope to share stories from many diverse cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. Thank you for being willing to share your stories!

Here are some of the things we would like you to tell us about:
- Your best family Christmas experience
- Memorable and meaningful family Christmas experiences
- The best gift you received for Christmas
- 200–400 words in length
- Focused on family experiences
- Information on your family traditions when possible
- Uplifting stories
- Writing understandable to the general public
What better day is there to gather families together than Christmas?
In your stories, feel free to share funny anecdotes, family history experiences, or whatever else has brought you joy on Christmas Day.”
You can join the fun by visiting the website HERE to submit your stories.
CHALLENGE: Write and submit a family Christmas tradition or story to share with others around the world!