Writing Your Personal History


“Lets start at the very beginning, a very good place to start…” (The Sound of Music)

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Keep it Simple

Family History doesn’t have to be overwhelming. I know once you get the spreadsheets down before you and start looking at the blanks it can be almost scary! But the really great thing about Family History and Genealogy is you dont need a lot of equipment or fancy doo dads to get started.

Most people start their genealogy with spreadsheets or Pedigree Charts. I started mine with a notepad and a pen. As you start unraveling the pieces and putting together the puzzles you may want to use your computer to keep notes and organize your findings. Make sure you take note of all sources so you will be able to find the information again. (ex: on the census you will be able to know which book it came from, page number etc.)

The very first place to start

#1 PLACE TO START IS WITH YOURSELF!!! HUH? Yep, family history and genealogy isnt just for finding dead people to write down!! YOU are a part of your family history too…and what better person to write about you than…well, YOU!

The number 1 tip genealogists and researchers will tell you is START WITH WHAT YOU KNOW!! You are going to begin with yourself and work your way up.

Breaking out the Pedigree Charts

Here is a simple breakdown of pedigree charts. (refer to image below). YOU are in yellow. Your Parents are in Blue (Dad is up top and Mom is on bottom. ) Green are THEIR parents (Your grandparents) with dads parents up top and moms parents below. Red is THEIR parents (your great grandparents), again with dads up top and moms on bottom. EASY!!

SO again, start with what you know. Begin with your information, then add parents and grandparents. This in most cases will be the easiest page you do. Most people can get back to their grandparents and great grandparents without any issues. How can you get this information?

INTERVIEW YOUR RELATIVES! This is one of the best parts of family history! Capture key pieces of information (dates, names etc), but also ask questions and write down the stories!

Not sure what to ask?

Easy Interview Questions to get started

INTERVIEW QUESTIONS:   these are some great starting point questions we found on Americanancestors.org

–Where did you live when you were growing up?

–How did your family come to live there?

–Were there other family members in the area? Their names?

–What older relatives do you remember, and what do you remember about them? DO you remember their names and where they lived? Do you remember any traditions associated with them?

–What was your family religion?

–What family stories have you heard about your parents? Your grandparents? More distant relatives?

–What stories have you heard about the European (or other) origins of your family members and their immigration to America?

–Is there a naming tradition in the family?

Now what?

THIS IS WHERE YOUR NOTEBOOK COMES HANDY!! As new names come up, write those down, find all information you can, write down interesting facts and details, ask to see pictures. Many people have a lot of their files on digital format now, so you may even be able to collect pictures electronically, or make photocopies of originals.

Feel free to ask other questions as well! Any family traditions? Any favorite memories? Favorite foods? Get a recipe or two!

ORGANIZATION IS KEY!! As you practice and start getting more information, as your research starts to grow and expand exponentially, you will develop your own style of organization. There are lots of great resources out there for you to use.