MARCH TOPIC: Jobs/career and hobbies.

week 9 topic: What were your favorite hobbies and pastimes in your childhood?
This week think back to all the things you enjoyed doing as a child. Hobbies and interests, ways you spent your free time. what did you love to do?
questions to consider
- did you have friends that you would play with? what would you play together?
- what kind of games did you play?
- did you collect anything?
- what toys did you play with?
- how did you get involved with a hobby or pastime?
- did someone have to teach you a skill in order to enjoy this particular pastime?
- what made pursuing this hobby or pastime so interesting? What caught your attention or made it fun?
- Are you still pursuing any of your hobbies or pastimes now?
- If you had a collection, describe it in detail.
- go into detail about any activities you participated in. (example: If you rode your bike, describe the bike, the route, what you would do and where you would go etc)
- Have you thought about getting back into any of your old hobbies or pastimes?
- were there things you did back then that you no longer enjoy? What happened?
happy writing!